Location: Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa (15 mins from nearest town)
Funding: Yes. For public exhibition and material expenses.
Accommodations: Yes.
Food: Allowance provided
Travel: Flight No (but travel to and from Durban airport provided).
Length: 1-3 weeks (accommodations for groups up to 10 ppl)

The Caversham Centre for Artists and Writers offers “residencies and community based programmes to address the need for investment in the individual and community, and play a sustainable and important role in contributing towards the growth of the Arts.” The Caverham Press is renowned for their facilities and they uphold international standards. Their facilities are located in the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel (built in 1878), a peaceful and spiritual environment. Unfortunately this residency is invitation only (“identified through Institutions, Art Councils and Organizations.”) Although it seems you can still sent them an application should an opportunity arise. The artist must participate in an exhibition. Also other fellowships and internships are available. Participants transported to the nearest town, Howick, twice a week for supplies.

“Caversham programmes are designed to transfer skills, inspire individuals to become agents of inspiration and change, and result in tangible products as evidence of the journey undertaken”

Don’t they look happy… (appropriated these pics off their blog site, listed below).

The Caversham Press was founded in 1985 for South African artists so the could have access to a professional collaborative printmaking studio.

P.O.Box 87 Balgowan 3275
South Africa
+27 33 2344080 (fax) +27 33 2344080

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